The Technical Bits

… and pieces

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Conky conf File

-- vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=lua

conky.config = {
 alignment = 'top_right',
 background = true,
 border_width = 1,
 cpu_avg_samples = 2,
 default_color = 'white',
 default_outline_color = 'white',
 default_shade_color = 'white',
 draw_borders = false,
 draw_graph_borders = true,
 draw_outline = false,
 draw_shades = false,
 use_xft = true,
 font = 'Inconsolata:size=11',
 gap_x = 128,
 gap_y = 128,
 minimum_height = 5,
 minimum_width = 5,
 net_avg_samples = 2,
 no_buffers = true,
 double_buffer = true,
 out_to_console = false,
 out_to_stderr = false,
 extra_newline = false,
 own_window = true,
 own_window_class = 'Conky',
 own_window_type = 'desktop',
 own_window_transparent = true,
 stippled_borders = 0,
 update_interval = 1.0,
 uppercase = false,
 use_spacer = 'none',
 show_graph_scale = false,
 show_graph_range = false,
 short_units = true,
 if_up_strictness = 'address'

conky.text = [[
 $nodename ${color grey}$sysname $kernel ($machine)
 ${color}${time %A %e %B, %Y} ${time %l.%M %p}

${color grey}Uptime: $color $uptime
 ${color grey}Desktop: $color $desktop_name
 ${color grey}Frequency (in MHz): $color $freq
 ${color grey}Frequency (in GHz): $color $freq_g
 ${color grey}Battery (%): $color $battery_percent $battery_time
 ${color grey}Entropy (Available): $color ${entropy_avail}
 ${color grey}Entropy (Pool): $color ${entropy_poolsize}
 ${color grey}Entropy (%): $color ${entropy_perc}
 ${color grey}$hr
 ${color grey}CPU Usage: $color $cpu% ${cpubar 4}
 ${color grey}Load: $color $cpu% ${cpubar 4}
 ${color grey}RAM Usage: $color $mem/$memmax
 ${color grey}RAM Usage (%): $color $memperc% ${membar 4}
 ${color grey}Swap Usage (%): $color $swapperc% ${swapbar 4}
 ${color grey}Processes: $color $processes
 ${color grey}Running Processes: $color $running_processes
 ${color grey}Threads: $color $threads
 ${color grey}Running Threads: $color $running_threads
 ${color grey}$hr
 ${color grey}File Systems:
 / $color${fs_used /}/${fs_size /} ${fs_bar 6 /}
 ${color grey}/home $color${fs_used /home}/${fs_size /home} ${fs_bar 6 /home}

${color grey}Networking:
 enp0s3 $color ${upspeed enp0s3} ${downspeed enp0s3}
 ${color grey}enp0s8 $color ${upspeed enp0s8} ${downspeed enp0s8}
 ${color grey}$hr

${color grey}Name PID CPU% MEM%
 ${color lightgrey}${top name 1} ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}
 ${color lightgrey}${top name 2} ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}
 ${color lightgrey}${top name 3} ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}
 ${color lightgrey}${top name 4} ${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4} ${top mem 4}
 ${color lightgrey}${top name 5} ${top pid 5} ${top cpu 5} ${top mem 5}
 ${color lightgrey}${top name 6} ${top pid 6} ${top cpu 6} ${top mem 6}
 ${color lightgrey}${top name 7} ${top pid 7} ${top cpu 7} ${top mem 7}
 ${color lightgrey}${top name 8} ${top pid 8} ${top cpu 8} ${top mem 8}
 ${color lightgrey}${top name 9} ${top pid 9} ${top cpu 9} ${top mem 9}
 ${color lightgrey}${top name 10} ${top pid 10} ${top cpu 10} ${top mem 10}
posted by gurnaik at 3:34 pm  

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Conky rc File

alignment top_right
background yes
border_width 1
cpu_avg_samples 2
default_color white
default_outline_color white
default_shade_color white
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
draw_outline no
draw_shades no
use_xft yes
#xxftfont Monospace:size=10
#xftfont Droid Sans Mono:size=10
xftfont Inconsolata:size=11
#xftfont Noto Mono:size=10
#xftfont Luxi Mono:size=11
#xftfont Fira Mono:size=10
#xftfont Roboto Mono:size=10
gap_x 84
gap_y 84
minimum_size 5 5
net_avg_samples 2
no_buffers yes
double_buffer yes
out_to_console no
out_to_stderr no
extra_newline no
own_window yes
own_window_class Conky
#own_window_type desktop
#own_window_type normal
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_argb_value 255
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
stippled_borders 0
update_interval 1.0
uppercase no
use_spacer right
show_graph_scale no
show_graph_range no
short_units yes
if_up_strictness address

$nodename${goto 50}${color grey}$sysname $kernel ($machine)
$color${time %A %e %B, %Y}${goto 240}${time %l.%M%p}

${color grey}Uptime:${goto 100}$color $uptime_short
${color grey}Desktop:${goto 100}$color $desktop_name 
${color grey}Frequency:${goto 100}$color $freq_g GHz
${color grey}Battery:${goto 100}$color $battery_percent% $battery_time

${color grey}CPU:${goto 100}$color $cpu%
${color grey}Load:${goto 100}$color ${loadavg 1}  $color${loadavg 2}  $color${loadavg 3}
${color grey}Processes:${goto 100} $color$running_processes${color grey}/ $color$processes
${color grey}Threads:${goto 100}$color $running_threads${color grey}/ $color$threads

${color grey}RAM:${goto 100}$color $mem ${color grey}/ $color$memmax ($memperc%)
${color grey}Swap:${goto 100}$color $swap ${color grey}/ $color$swapmax ($swapperc%)

${color grey}File systems:
 ${color grey}/${goto 100} $color${fs_used /} ${color grey}/ $color${fs_size /}
 ${color grey}/home${goto 100} $color${fs_used /home} ${color grey}/ $color${fs_size /home}

${color grey}Ethernet:${goto 100}$color ${addrs enp0s3}
 ${color grey}enp0s3${goto 100}$color ${upspeed enp0s3}  $color${downspeed enp0s3}

${color grey}Ethernet:${goto 100}$color ${addrs enp0s8}
 ${color grey}enp0s8${goto 100}$color ${upspeed enp0s8}  $color${downspeed enp0s8}

${color grey}Wireless:${goto 100}$color ${addrs wlp3s0}
 ${color grey}wlp3s0${goto 100}$color ${upspeed wlp3s0}  $color${downspeed wlp3s0}  ${wireless_link_qual wlp3s0}

${color grey}Name              PID    CPU    MEM 
${color lightgrey}${top name 1} ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}
${color lightgrey}${top name 2} ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}
${color lightgrey}${top name 3} ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}
${color lightgrey}${top name 4} ${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4} ${top mem 4}
${color lightgrey}${top name 5} ${top pid 5} ${top cpu 5} ${top mem 5}
${color lightgrey}${top name 6} ${top pid 6} ${top cpu 6} ${top mem 6}
${color lightgrey}${top name 7} ${top pid 7} ${top cpu 7} ${top mem 7}
${color lightgrey}${top name 8} ${top pid 8} ${top cpu 8} ${top mem 8}
# ${color lightgrey}${top name 9} ${top pid 9} ${top cpu 9} ${top mem 9}
# ${color lightgrey}${top name 10} ${top pid 10} ${top cpu 10} ${top mem 10}
posted by gurnaik at 10:59 am  

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

tint2rc File

# Backgrounds
# Background 1: Panel
rounded = 0
border_width = 1
background_color = #eeeeee 0
border_color = #bbbbbb 10
background_color_hover = #eeeeee 0
border_color_hover = #bbbbbb 10
background_color_pressed = #eeeeee 0
border_color_pressed = #bbbbbb 10

# Background 2: Clock, Default task, Iconified task
rounded = 5
border_width = 1
background_color = #eeeeee 4
border_color = #cccccc 44
background_color_hover = #eeeeee 22
border_color_hover = #eaeaea 44
background_color_pressed = #dddddd 4
border_color_pressed = #eaeaea 44

# Background 3: Active task
rounded = 5
border_width = 1
background_color = #dddddd 4
border_color = #999999 100
background_color_hover = #eeeeee 22
border_color_hover = #999999 100
background_color_pressed = #dddddd 4
border_color_pressed = #999999 100

# Background 4: Urgent task
rounded = 5
border_width = 1
background_color = #aa4400 100
border_color = #aa7733 100
background_color_hover = #aa4400 100
border_color_hover = #aa7733 100
background_color_pressed = #aa4400 100
border_color_pressed = #aa7733 100

# Background 5: Tooltip
rounded = 2
border_width = 1
background_color = #ffffaa 100
border_color = #999999 100
background_color_hover = #ffffaa 100
border_color_hover = #999999 100
background_color_pressed = #ffffaa 100
border_color_pressed = #999999 100

# Background 6: Inactive desktop name
rounded = 2
border_width = 1
background_color = #eeeeee 4
border_color = #cccccc 30
background_color_hover = #eeeeee 22
border_color_hover = #999999 30
background_color_pressed = #dddddd 4
border_color_pressed = #999999 30

# Background 7: Active desktop name
rounded = 2
border_width = 1
background_color = #dddddd 3
border_color = #999999 100
background_color_hover = #dddddd 3
border_color_hover = #999999 100
background_color_pressed = #dddddd 3
border_color_pressed = #999999 100

# Panel
panel_items = LTSBC
panel_size = 100% 48
panel_margin = 0 0
panel_padding = 4 2 4
panel_background_id = 1
wm_menu = 1
panel_dock = 0
panel_position = bottom center horizontal
panel_layer = normal
panel_monitor = all
primary_monitor_first = 0
autohide = 0
autohide_show_timeout = 0
autohide_hide_timeout = 0.5
autohide_height = 2
strut_policy = follow_size
panel_window_name = tint2
disable_transparency = 0
mouse_effects = 1
font_shadow = 0
mouse_hover_icon_asb = 100 0 10
mouse_pressed_icon_asb = 100 0 0

# Taskbar
taskbar_mode = multi_desktop
taskbar_padding = 0 0 2
taskbar_background_id = 0
taskbar_active_background_id = 0
taskbar_name = 1
taskbar_hide_inactive_tasks = 0
taskbar_hide_different_monitor = 0
taskbar_always_show_all_desktop_tasks = 0
taskbar_name_padding = 6 3
taskbar_name_background_id = 6
taskbar_name_active_background_id = 7
taskbar_name_font = Nimbus Sans L Bold 10
taskbar_name_font_color = #d4d4d4 100
taskbar_name_active_font_color = #ffffff 100
taskbar_distribute_size = 0
taskbar_sort_order = none
task_align = center

# Task
task_text = 0
task_icon = 1
task_centered = 1
urgent_nb_of_blink = 100000
task_maximum_size = 48 35
task_padding = 4 3 4
task_font = Nimbus Sans L 10
task_tooltip = 1
task_font_color = #ffffff 100
task_icon_asb = 100 -50 0
task_active_icon_asb = 100 0 0
task_background_id = 2
task_active_background_id = 3
task_urgent_background_id = 4
task_iconified_background_id = 2
mouse_left = toggle_iconify
mouse_middle = shade
mouse_right = maximize_restore
mouse_scroll_up = prev_task
mouse_scroll_down = next_task

# System tray (notification area)
systray_padding = 4 0 2
systray_background_id = 0
systray_sort = ascending
systray_icon_size = 16
systray_icon_asb = 100 -50 0
systray_monitor = 1

# Launcher
launcher_padding = 0 0 2
launcher_background_id = 0
launcher_icon_background_id = 0
launcher_icon_size = 22
launcher_icon_asb = 100 -50 0
launcher_icon_theme = Adwaita
launcher_icon_theme_override = 0
startup_notifications = 1
launcher_tooltip = 1
launcher_item_app = /usr/share/applications/nemo.desktop
launcher_item_app = /usr/share/applications/lxterminal.desktop
launcher_item_app = /usr/share/applications/zim.desktop

# Clock
time1_format = %A %-e %B
time2_format = %-l.%M %P
time1_font = Nimbus Sans L 10
time1_timezone =
time2_timezone =
time2_font = Nimbus Sans L 12
clock_font_color = #ffffff 100
clock_padding = 1 0
clock_background_id = 2
clock_tooltip = %A %-e %B %H:%I
clock_tooltip_timezone =
clock_lclick_command = gnome-calendar
clock_rclick_command = zenity --calendar --text ""
clock_mclick_command =
clock_uwheel_command =
clock_dwheel_command =

# Battery
battery_tooltip = 1
battery_low_status = 10
battery_low_cmd = notify-send "battery low"
bat1_font = Nimbus Sans L 10
bat2_font = Nimbus Sans L 8
battery_font_color = #ffffff 100
battery_padding = 1 0
battery_background_id = 0
battery_hide = 101
battery_lclick_command =
battery_rclick_command =
battery_mclick_command =
battery_uwheel_command =
battery_dwheel_command =
ac_connected_cmd =
ac_disconnected_cmd =

# Tooltip
tooltip_show_timeout = 0.5
tooltip_hide_timeout = 0.1
tooltip_padding = 2 2
tooltip_background_id = 5
tooltip_font_color = #222222 100
tooltip_font = Overpass 10

posted by gurnaik at 6:00 pm  

Friday, February 20, 2015

bbpager rc file

Here’s an example of a bbpager configuration file:

!** bbpager.rc: bbpager configuration file **
!** **
!** This is the global bbpager configuration file. To make **
!** user-specific modifications, you should copy this file to your **
!** home directory in $HOME/.bbtools/bbpager.rc and edit that file. **

!** behavior section

!** Indicate whether the bbpager window is withdrawn. If using with
!** blackbox, "withdrawn" means it will be placed in the slit.
bbpager.withdrawn: False

!** Set the position of the bbpager window.
!** Relevant only when bbpager.withdrawn is False.
!bbpager.position: +1040+0
bbpager.position: -0-0

!** Set the width and height of bbpager's model of the desktop windows.
bbpager.desktop.width: 32
bbpager.desktop.height: 20

!** Set the desktop orientation.
!** Possible values: horizontal, vertical
!bbpager.desktop.orientation: horizontal

!** Define the maximum number of columns. The number of rows will
!** increase as necessary to accommodate additional desktops.
!** Relevant only when bbpager.desktop.orientation is horizontal.
bbpager.desktop.columns: 2

!** Define the maximum number of rows. The number of columns will
!** increase as necessary to accommodate additional desktops.
!** Relevant only when bbpager.desktop.orientation is vertical.
bpager.desktop.rows: 2

!** Set the window focus style. This is the method to distinguish
!** the focused window from unfocused windows. When set to none,
!** a window will appear the same whether or not it is focused.
!** When set to border, a window's border may change when it is
!** focused, but its interior appearance will not. When set to
!** texture, a window's border and interior appearance may
!** change when it is focused.
!** Possible values: none, border, texture
!bbpager.window.focusStyle: texture

!** Set the desktop focus style. This is the method to distinguish
!** the focused desktop from the other desktops. When set to none,
!** a desktop will appear the same whether or not it is focused.
!** When set to border, a desktop's border may change when it is
!** focused, but its interior appearance will not. When set to
!** texture, a desktop's border and interior appearance may
!** change when it is focused.
!** Possible values: none, border, texture
!bbpager.desktop.focusStyle: texture

!** Set the mouse button used to perform various actions.
!** Typically, button 1 is the left mouse button, 2 middle, 3 right,
!** etc., though this may be changed in the user's X configuration.
!** A value of 0 may be assigned to bbpager.windowFocusButton or
!** bbpager.windowRaiseButton, meaning that no button will perform
!** these actions.
!** Multiple functions may be assigned to a single mouse button. For
!** example, raise and focus might be good candidates to assign to
!** the same button.
bbpager.desktopChangeButton: 1
bbpager.windowMoveButton: 3
!bbpager.windowFocusButton: 0
!bbpager.windowRaiseButton: 0

!** style section
!** See the blackbox documentation for a description of the style
!** syntax.

!** Set the margin between the edge of the tool and the desktops.
bbpager.margin: 2

!** Set the margin between the desktops.
bbpager.desktop.margin: 1

!** Define the frame style.
!** bbpager will attempt to copy these options from the blackbox
!** toolbar style.
bbpager.frame.appearance: solid
!bbpager.frame.appearance: Raised Gradient Vertical
bbpager.frame.color: gray20
!bbpager.frame.color1: green
!bbpager.frame.color2: white

!** Define the desktop window style. This style is used to draw
!** all desktops when bbpager.desktop.focusStyle is none or border,
!** and it is used to draw the unfocused desktops when
!** bbpager.desktop.focusStyle is texture.
!** bbpager will attempt to copy these options from the blackbox
!** toolbar.label style.
!bbpager.desktop.appearance: solid
!bbpager.desktop.appearance: Sunken Gradient Vertical
!bbpager.desktop.color: gray10
!bbpager.desktop.color1: pink
!bbpager.desktop.color2: black

!** Define the focused desktop window style. This style is used
!** to draw the focused desktop when bbpager.desktop.focusStyle
!** is texture.
bbpager.desktop.focus.appearance: solid
bbpager.desktop.focus.color: gray70
!bbpager.desktop.focus.color1: cyan
!bbpager.desktop.focus.color2: slategrey

!** Define the border for the focused desktop window.
!** Set borderWidth to 0 for no border.
!** Not relevant when bbpager.desktop.focusStyle is none.
! fuchsia
! 0

!** Define the border for unfocused desktop windows.
!** Set borderWidth to 0 for no border.
!bbpager.inactive.desktop.borderColor: gray30
!bbpager.inactive.desktop.borderWidth: 0

!** Define the window style. This style is used to draw all
!** windows when bbpager.window.focusStyle is none or border,
!** and it is used to draw the unfocused windows when
!** bbpager.window.focusStyle is texture.
!** bbpager will attempt to copy these options from the blackbox
!** window.label.unfocus style.
!bbpager.window.appearance: solid
!bbpager.window.appearance: Raised Gradient Diagonal
!bbpager.window.color: gray30
!bbpager.window.color1: rgb:c/9/6
!bbpager.window.color2: rgb:8/6/4

!** Define the focused window style. This style is used to draw
!** the focused window when bbpager.window.focusStyle is
!** texture.
!** bbpager will attempt to copy these options from the blackbox
!** window.label.focus style.
!bbpager.window.focus.appearance: solid
!bbpager.window.focus.appearance: Raised Gradient Vertical
bbpager.window.focus.color: gray100
!bbpager.window.focus.color1: rgb:c/9/6
!bbpager.window.focus.color2: rgb:8/6/4

!** Define the border for the focused window.
!** Set borderWidth to 0 for no border.
!** Not relevant when bbpager.window.focusStyle is none.
! gray30
! 0

!** Define the border for unfocused windows.
!** Set borderWidth to 0 for no border.
!bbpager.inactive.window.borderColor: gray30
!bbpager.inactive.window.borderWidth: 1

posted by gurnaik at 8:06 am  

Friday, June 28, 2013

Set Window Hint for Thunderbird

wmctrl -r "Thunderbird" -b add,demands_attention
posted by gurnaik at 10:02 am  

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Linux .Xresources File

Xft.antialias: true
Xft.hinting: true
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
Xft.rgba: rgb

xterm*background: black
xterm*foreground: white
xterm*scrollBar: true
xterm*jumpScroll: true
xterm*multiScroll: true
xterm*faceName: Inconsolata:pixelsize=16
xterm*utf8: 2

uxterm*scrollBar: true
uxterm*jumpScroll: true
uxterm*multiScroll: true
uxterm*faceName: Inconsolata:pixelsize=16
uxterm*utf8: 2

urxvt.scrollstyle: rxvt
urxvt*background: black
urxvt*foreground: white
urxvt.font: xft:Inconsolata:size=11
!urxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher
urxvt.url-launcher: /usr/bin/firefox
urxvt.matcher.button: 1
urxvt.perl-ext-common: default,tabbed

!XClock.Clock.hourColor: white
!XClock.Clock.minuteColor: white
!XClock.Clock.secondColor: white
!XClock.Clock.majorColor: white
!XClock.Clock.minorColor: white
!XClock.Clock.background: black
!XClock.Clock.foreground: white
!xclock*geometry: +1338+0
XClock*faceName: Inconsolata:pixelsize=16
XClock*chime: true

nedit*fontList: xft:FreeSans:size=11
nedit.helpFont: xft:FreeSans:size=11
nedit.visualID: Best
nedit*text.heavyCursor: true

posted by gurnaik at 4:33 pm  

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Linux .inputrc Settings

# Don't ring bell on completion
set bell-style none

# Filename completion/expansion
set completion-ignore-case on
#set show-all-if-ambiguous on

# Expand homedir name
#set expand-tilde on

# Append "/" to all dirnames
set mark-directories on
set mark-symlinked-directories on

# Match all files
set match-hidden-files on

posted by gurnaik at 7:13 am  

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Delete .svn Directories

find . -name ".svn" -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;

posted by gurnaik at 2:49 pm  

Monday, July 28, 2008

Initialisation File for GNU Screen

GNU Screen is a “full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal between several processes, typically interactive shells.” My .screenrc file:

shell -/usr/bin/bash
hardstatus alwayslastline "%{=b}%{G} Screen(s): %{r}%w
    %=%{+r}%{ky} %D %d %M %C " 
posted by gurnaik at 9:21 am  

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

.bashrc file

My default .bashrc file. This is taken from cygwin.# base-files version 3.7-1

# To pick up the latest recommended .bashrc content,
# look in /etc/defaults/etc/skel/.bashrc

# Modifying /etc/skel/.bashrc directly will prevent
# setup from updating it.

# The copy in your home directory (~/.bashrc) is yours, please
# feel free to customise it to create a shell
# environment to your liking. If you feel a change
# would be benificial to all, please feel free to send
# a patch to the cygwin mailing list.

# User dependent .bashrc file
# Shell Options
# #############

# See man bash for more options…

# Don’t wait for job termination notification
# set -o notify

# Don’t use ^D to exit
# set -o ignoreeof

# Use case-insensitive filename globbing
shopt -s nocaseglob

# Make bash append rather than overwrite the history on disk
# shopt -s histappend

# When changing directory small typos can be ignored by bash
# for example, cd /vr/lgo/apaache would find /var/log/apache
# shopt -s cdspell
# Completion options
# ##################

# These completion tuning parameters change the default behavior of bash_completion:

# Define to access remotely checked-out files over passwordless ssh for CVS

# Define to avoid stripping description in –option=description of ‘./configure –help’

# Define to avoid flattening internal contents of tar files

# If this shell is interactive, turn on programmable completion enhancements.
# Any completions you add in ~/.bash_completion are sourced last.
# case $- in
# *i*) [[ -f /etc/bash_completion ]] && . /etc/bash_completion ;;
# esac
# History Options
# ###############

# Don’t put duplicate lines in the history.
export HISTCONTROL=”ignoredups”

# Ignore some controlling instructions
# export HISTIGNORE=”[ ]*:&:bg:fg:exit”

# Whenever displaying the prompt, write the previous line to disk
# export PROMPT_COMMAND=”history -a”
# Aliases
# #######

# Some example alias instructions
# If these are enabled they will be used instead of any instructions
# they may mask. For example, alias rm=’rm -i’ will mask the rm
# application. To override the alias instruction use a \ before, ie
# \rm will call the real rm not the alias.

# Interactive operation…
alias rm=’rm -i’
alias cp=’cp -i’
# alias mv=’mv -i’

# Default to human readable figures
# alias df=’df -h’
# alias du=’du -h’

# Misc 🙂
alias less=’less -r’ # raw control characters
alias whence=’type -a’ # where, of a sort
alias grep=’grep -n –color’ # show differences in colour

# Some shortcuts for different directory listings
alias ls=’ls -hF –color=tty’ # classify files in colour
alias dir=’ls –color=auto –format=vertical’
alias vdir=’ls –color=auto –format=long’
alias ll=’ls -l’ # long list
alias la=’ls -A’ # all but . and ..
alias l=’ls -CF’ #
alias lr=’ls -ltr’ # reverse list

alias h=’history 10′
alias j=’jobs’

alias fa=’fortune -a’
alias fo=’fortune -o’

# Functions
# #########

# Some example functions
# function settitle() { echo -ne “\e]2;$@\a\e]1;$@\a”; }

posted by gurnaik at 10:35 am  
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